Your key to keeping backup costs down
One of the most common questions our technicians get is "how can we keep our backup data growth under control?" We conducted a Data Health Check survey in November of last year, comprising of over 400 UK IT professionals, and one of the biggest challenges they're currently facing is unchecked storage growth.
Confidence in backup solutions is at an all-time high, with 94% of organisations stating they were happy with their current backup service. Coupled with the undeniable growth in data we're seeing at the moment, this has led to extremely high storage needs and unnecessarily high costs.
You can easily overcome this issue through good retention and deletion policies, but worryingly over a third of people we asked either had no policies in place at all, or simply kept all data forever. For backup to remain cost-effective, intelligent policies should be in place to archive any data that is not critical to the business or required for compliance reasons.
So we pooled our technicians' knowledge and produced a new eBook outlining best-practice and proven tips and tricks to help effectively manage growing backup storage levels. The Databarracks guide to managing your backup storage levels is not a dense, long-winded white paper. It's a brief guide that takes a look at the top backup challenges being faced by IT professionals today, and how to best overcome them.
The guide covers everything from how to efficiently clean up your untidy data, to how often you should be defragging your Exchange, to how many backup generations you should be keeping. We've tried to answer the most common questions we get from our customers, but if you have a specific question that is not covered in the guide, let us know and we'll get back to you with an answer.