Databarracks Hosted Exchange services now supported by Mailsphere

We all know the pain of sifting through hundreds of spam emails to find what you're actually looking for. Couple this with the ever-increasing risk of phishing emails containing spy and malware, and your inbox becomes a minefield.

Mailsphere is a next generation email security and archiving solution which leverages the flexibility and scalability of the cloud to offer enterprise-class anti-virus, anti-spam and archiving capabilities.

Mailsphere's impressive list of security features includes:


- Real-time threat identification and protection against viruses and malware

- Sender reputation and behavioural analysis ensures legitimate email is prioritised

- On-the-wire perimeter protection against DHA and DoS attacks


- Multi-layered bayesian and heuristic analysis protects against spam

- Users can manage their own spam quarantine

- User-configurable rulesets and filter applications

But the big difference Mailsphere offers when compared to other email security products is that unlimited email archiving is included as part of the service – at around a third of the cost of alternative products.

Mailsphere is a new company and is focussed on fixing some of the problems businesses have had with existing email security products.

Firstly, it is just providing the key functionality that businesses actually need: Anti-Spam, Anti-Virus and Archiving – and not all of the additional bloatware that push up costs, but are never really used by businesses.

Secondly, although "cloud based" email security isn't new, the existing products haven't really adhered to the standards we set for new true cloud services.  Cloud services should be flexible to change the number of users you have each month – or turn off the service altogether.  You shouldn't have to commit for 12 or 36 months if you don't want to.

Finally, you should be in control of your own data.  Many businesses have been held ransom by the extortionate costs required to extract data from email archives and have been left with no choice but to continue with services they want to leave, because the cost to do so is too high.  Mailsphere puts you firmly in control of your archives and gives you the ability to take them and go somewhere else whenever you want to.

The feedback we have been receiving from customers already using Mailsphere is that it is a very simple product to actually use day-to-day, both for the individual users, and the administrators managing it.

If you want to know more, get in touch.


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Databarracks Ltd
1 Bridges Court
SW11 3BB

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