Business Continuity

Business Continuity Testing and Exercising

If you ask any Business Continuity professional, they’ll tell you the best way to improve your resilience is through exercising.

We prepare and conduct exercises to simulate a real incident and test your response. After the exercise we’ll provide  a full post-exercise report with KPIs and recommendations for improvement.


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Full Business Continuity Plan Exercise

You can test each section in isolation, but only when you exercise the full Business Continuity Plan can you test all the interdependencies and he impact on the entire organisation.

We bring together you Business Continuity Team and users from the wider business to test and document your processes.

IT Disaster Recovery Exercise

IT DR testing isn’t just about how long it takes to restore a server, it’s about the full, end-to-end process of invocation and recovery. 

We set an exercise to test and document your processes.

Cyber Exercise

Cyber incidents are challenging because they are highly complex and need the expertise of several different functions. We bring together your BC, IT Operations and Security and Communications teams with your Executive Board to test not-only the plan but how well the teams can work together for a cohesive response.

Fill out the form to get a quote.
See how Business Continuity as a Service can help your business.


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Databarracks Ltd
1 Bridges Court
SW11 3BB

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