Breakfast roundtable: Business recovery

How organisations can get their business back on track after a cyber-security breach

Date: Wednesday 13th March
Time: 8:00am - 10:30pm
Venue: The Savoy, 100 Strand, London WC2R 0EZ

Recovering from a cyber-attack, especially a ransomware attack, is a major challenge for businesses. Vital business data may be compromised or unavailable, and IT services may be inaccessible. And all the while, customers may be trying – and failing – to engage with your business.

How do you get back to business as usual? In this breakfast discussion, we will explore the challenges that businesses face after a cyber-attack, share some lessons from previous cyber-attacks, and examine best practice for business resilience.

Of course, speed of response is a key consideration. The faster you can identify an intrusion, the quicker you can respond and the quicker you will recover. But there are a range of other factors that influence the speed and effectiveness of your recovery.

It's a complex problem. And the solution starts with understanding and prioritising your data and IT services. What are your business-critical applications? What data is essential for operations to continue?

It’s also crucial to review your current resilience levels. Are your cyber-defences appropriate? How effective are your monitoring tools? Does your business insurance give you the cover you need? Are organisational leaders equipped to play their part in managing a cyber-crisis?

Handling a cyber-attack isn’t simple. Join us in this discussion of recovery best-practice.

Registrations are now closed.

The topics we will explore:

During the meeting we will focus on questions such as:

  • Why is planning for recovery a challenge to many organisations?
  • What lessons can be learned from previous cyber-breaches?
  • What does best-practice cyber-resilience look like? What should you do if Plan A doesn’t work?
  • How can you fine-tune your detection capabilities to give you the best chance of quickly identifying an intrusion?
  • What can you do to prevent data backups being infected by malware? And what should you do if they are?
  • How can organisations test their operational resilience and disaster recovery abilities?

Who is the roundtable suitable for?

The roundtable is ideal for C-level executives responsible for technology, operations, cyber security, business continuity, resilience and risk teams.

Registrations are now full.

To be added to the standby list in the event of any cancellations, email:

The venue - Savoy Grill, The Savoy

The event is taking place in Gordon Ramsay's Savoy Grill within The Savoy Hotel.

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